Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

no. 8

My coworkers and I have decided to introduce some of the ridiculous clip art we encounter..

Monday, November 12, 2007

No. 7 - Filled.

Alright. So we are all lame. You guys for not participating, and me for not posting sooner.
Congrats, Amy and Karen on being the ONLY people to actually complete my set- up.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

no. 7

Hello, all. Apologies for my slack on posting! Here's 7.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

no. 6- filled.

Well, I guess this is what happens when we don't get to posting the set-up until Friday night--- sorry, guys! Here's the few that made last week's. (& thanks again, Jonny..)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

no. 6

Surprise! Another guest-artist for this week-- (i promise i'm not being lazy!) Meet Mister Jonathan Hafer.. of Philadelphia.

Friday, October 5, 2007

no. 5- filled.

Okay- for some reason, even after re-saving, Dave's is not showing up. ? click below to view his and scroll down for the rest!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

no. 5

Introducing Patrick Morgan (Chicago) as guest- artist! Fill-'er up!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

no. 4 - filled.

Hey, guys. Friday is here! Sit on these.... ( ha?) & keep them coming if you have not yet! i will post until next Wednesday night. Also- it will help me out if you send your fills with the image name as "your name + the number post". (ex: lys_4.jpg)

Also- this next week we will have a guest-creator making the set up, which will make things a bit more interesting, and allow me to share in the fill-in fun too.

Have a good weekend if i dont see/ talk to yous!





no. 4

Friday, September 21, 2007

no. 3- filled.

Here's three! For those of you slow on the draw (no pun intended), I'll still be posting until mid-week, when the next fill-in goes up.







Karen C.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

no. 3

Happy almost-Friday, everyone!

Friday, September 14, 2007

9. 14


Karen C:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

You guys are amazing.





*TO THOSE NOT YET SENT: i'll be posting one more time for the slow pokes tomorrow morning! Let me have 'em!

no. 2

Here we go. Fill it in, and i'l post them tonight/ tomorrow. i'm excited to see what happens! Happy Thursday, everyone!

*note: if you click on the picture, you should be able to get a larger image... for those who haven't figured that one out just yet.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Post #1...continued!


Post #1. (just the beginning...)

bear meets fish.

jason's reply:




*the second official Fill-in set-up will be posted soon!


The cubicle walls and fluorescent glow of the 9 to 5 is sometimes the very hardest on the day prior to the weekend. Through the boredom lulls, I had an epiffany. Why not try to make these repressed days better for my fellow office-captive? Push aside the gloom and doom of the corporate, stomp out the stress of the office, and remember a sense of humor and creativity used outside the casual business attire. (What exactly does that mean, anyway?)

Let me introduce you to Friday Fill-in. These first posts were the inspiration a few Fridays ago- created due to the need to reach out to my peers via "off limits" email at work. Brought to you by doodles, scanners, clip art and the glorious program of MS Paint, allow this blog to be a bit of a refresh after a long week, pre- happy hour.

Each week I will post one or more wordless conversations, or "set-ups," if you will. Grab the image (or I can send a mass-email) and send me your ingeniousness. (or can you post it in-comment?) Either way, I can adjust the process after a run-through. More importantly- ENJOY!